Oh of course Khan, we believe you. Well, I had planned a great account of the events, but my xbox´s cache managed to erase any recent films I had about the massacres in question. Do not worry, I still have plenty to talk about.
Regarding the blog, there you go, the first (part of) fanfiction and the first article. I do hope to keep it up and fill the blank spaces in those lists with yet more fanatically literal fiction and speculation-full articles.
On to the LAN Hell....
It was one big battle, that´s all I can say. 2 360, sadly only 4 pads. But yet with only four of us the battles were ferocious an funny. We started trying to play our usual rocket frenzy first game but our favorite handcrafted version of Foundry: Tokyo Race, wasn´t found in neither my 360´s hard drive nor in my friend´s one. So? What do we do now? We CANT play rockets without Tokyo Race. Fully packed with hammer and prongs, with the first snacks already at the table in front of us accompanied by cold, delicious beer, we did the only thing we could do: Remake Tokyo Race
Alright, we went to forge trying to do our best, the erasing part was easy. We left the map empty. One of my friends, under the name of "Nibe Oroure" (thats a gamertag I created for my friends to tag along, not an online one) starts shooting everything that moves and, sadly for us, the only things which moved were myself and Insurrección, the other forger at the time. The fourth pad had no owner by the time, the future to be Loki tag yet busy with the beer and the snacks, and not into the forging fun. Nibe Oroure shoots, what could I do? Of course, I shoot back, and kill the bastard over and over again. Okay, he kills me too, but only a few times :P
All that while Insurreccion its still trying to remake our beloved map. I, completely gone out of my mind for the bloodthirst, forgot about forge, the only instances I turned into a monitor were to spawn more powerfull, spartan-blowing weapons to extract revenge or humiliation over Nibe Oroure. In the raging battle Insurreccion gets killed a few times... then not a so-few times and then we start killing him on purpose.
But he, the only real hero of the match, manages to finish the remake after barely 30 mins of forgin hell. The final result its even better than the previous Tokyo Race, so we decided to call him, our new baby: Cabezadepija 2.0. Why? Oh.. don´t ask why
-----Let me introduce you to Cabezadepija 2.0 (AKA TokyoRace2)

As you can see its a pretty chaotic map, alright, don´t ask if we were high while designing this... please don´t ask. Basically we divided the main big room in two separated areas, interconected by a opening in the walls and by the magically-floating bridges that you can see. The level design its intended only for having chaos, multiple attack options and, overall, no idea of where the hell did that rocket came from.
--A side

--A side

Here´s A side, my personal favourite. What´s the matter with all those exploding thingies you say? A side its what we may call a "wrong time, wrong place" zone, meaning that if you spawn there, or happen to be around there while some heartless monster throws in a grenade or a rocket, you´re going to be lucky if you end up alive after all those explosions. In fact, you can consider yourself lucky if your corpse manages to land in a not ridiculous pose. Just a bit of random fun, A zone its avoided as a primary battleground for reasons that I hope appear obvious to you.
--B side

B side its the opposite to A side in all the possible meanings: An empty area ready to be full of flying rockets and unfortunate players. Only the stairway to heaven (I actually nicknamed it that way) and a football ball for our personal fun. The true battle its upstairs... in heaven, were angels and demons make their way to the higher areas to try and blow every tiny mortal down in earth stupid enough to get on their sight.
That´s all, the interiors are blocked and not much fun goes on there, except for the casual "face 2 face suicide-kill" surprises that sometimes happen. You think its not funny? You think its not much? You think wrong, trust me

--B side

B side its the opposite to A side in all the possible meanings: An empty area ready to be full of flying rockets and unfortunate players. Only the stairway to heaven (I actually nicknamed it that way) and a football ball for our personal fun. The true battle its upstairs... in heaven, were angels and demons make their way to the higher areas to try and blow every tiny mortal down in earth stupid enough to get on their sight.
That´s all, the interiors are blocked and not much fun goes on there, except for the casual "face 2 face suicide-kill" surprises that sometimes happen. You think its not funny? You think its not much? You think wrong, trust me

Thats the first of our forged map, the next its called "Covies&UNSC" and its a way more serious and not-drunk approach to forge. A revision of Standoff designed for the most tactical and planned halo matchs. You see? That´s not as funny as our rocket crazyness
After that forging incident we devoted themselves into the healthy custom of killing and insult ourselves while playing together as true and beloved friends. A few more matchs of rockets, were I managed to win with either Insurreccion or Loky close to my marks (Usually 25-23 and even two incredible 25-24) I have to say that I´m not that good aiming rockets, I´m just lucky and well aware of my surroundings, and also a sneaky bitch. If I can kill you from behind, or above, or below without you noticing it, trust me, I will. Anyways I still managed to score some precious double and triple kills and even a few awesome chain reactions were everyone (including myself) ended up dead.
Tired of all the flying corpses and explosions we switched to Infection first in the same map and then on Isolation. I have to say that my previously explained sneakiness defeated easily the "B-movie style" defensive tactics of my comrades and, when I wasn´t eating brains, I made sure to become the last man standing.
What do I dare to call B-movie style defensive tactics? Oh well, the usually said "Let´s split up to find him!" its one of my favorites. Also the "Stay together" in an easily assailable place its great, all your preys stick to the same place for the onslaught, isn´t it beautiful?
Then we switched to campaing mode, legendary, with all the (bad) skulls switched on. But its another story, and a perfect excuse for tomorrow´s post
Johnson regarding John 117: For a brick, it flew pretty good!
Spartan K042 out
Thats the first of our forged map, the next its called "Covies&UNSC" and its a way more serious and not-drunk approach to forge. A revision of Standoff designed for the most tactical and planned halo matchs. You see? That´s not as funny as our rocket crazyness
After that forging incident we devoted themselves into the healthy custom of killing and insult ourselves while playing together as true and beloved friends. A few more matchs of rockets, were I managed to win with either Insurreccion or Loky close to my marks (Usually 25-23 and even two incredible 25-24) I have to say that I´m not that good aiming rockets, I´m just lucky and well aware of my surroundings, and also a sneaky bitch. If I can kill you from behind, or above, or below without you noticing it, trust me, I will. Anyways I still managed to score some precious double and triple kills and even a few awesome chain reactions were everyone (including myself) ended up dead.
Tired of all the flying corpses and explosions we switched to Infection first in the same map and then on Isolation. I have to say that my previously explained sneakiness defeated easily the "B-movie style" defensive tactics of my comrades and, when I wasn´t eating brains, I made sure to become the last man standing.
What do I dare to call B-movie style defensive tactics? Oh well, the usually said "Let´s split up to find him!" its one of my favorites. Also the "Stay together" in an easily assailable place its great, all your preys stick to the same place for the onslaught, isn´t it beautiful?
Then we switched to campaing mode, legendary, with all the (bad) skulls switched on. But its another story, and a perfect excuse for tomorrow´s post
Johnson regarding John 117: For a brick, it flew pretty good!
Spartan K042 out
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