
Again, I failed...

Hi there! I´m updating this for mainly two reasons:
-First, I´m way too bored, programming a JavaScript Minesweeper sucks nearly as much as the game itself, but right now its my "job". A job I despise and a job that makes me wanna wander aimlessly around the Internet
-Second, Its been ages since I last updated. Fortunately that doesn´t mean its been ages since I last played Halo. Nay, my Halo-mania its as strong as always.

I recently discovered this nice page where players like me (or you, at least I hope you play Halo ¬¬) can check their stats even in more deep than with B.net Service Record. Halo Charts its also a community, a community I would be deeply involved with were not for my (temporary) lack of XboX Live! Gold account

Anyway, check my stats. They suck, I know, but I´m pretty proud of them anyway. Specially of that "Greater than 1.25 K/D ratio" Because it could be way worse, like in a 0.50-way-worse-manner. Id like to say or promise you that I´ll be stayin´round here regulary, but I can´t lie to you folks. I´ll lie to myself to see if that works and I can be around at least once per week

Verdadero Khan HaloChart Stats

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