
Lt. Khan

Hurray! Finally I´ve left the NCOs ranks, although for some reason my Gamertag didn´t unlocked the achievement, who cares :P

Pretty, isn´t it?

Playing around Matchmaking again after so long feels good, really good. I´ve been concentrating on getting used again to the maps and weapons. I´m surprised to see how little the Mythic maps appear in regular matchmaking games, at least of Ranked TeamSlayer/Squad Battle and Social Big Team Battle, which is mostly what I´ve been playing

My old favorites Sandtrap, Highground and Valhalla are still around, and still host most of the Team games. My old hated maps are, sadly, still there, Guardian, Epitaph and Snowbound keep appearing and are not vetoed enough

HaloCharts keeps rocking

Honestly, if you haven´t you must go to HaloCharts. The rich display of stats is something that makes me proud of being a Halo3 player. You can see almost everything concerning your Matchmaking skills, and you can learn a lot from it. Also you can mark your own goalds (like upgrade your K/D ratio, or gain more EXP) and see the daily progress. I´ve marked quite a few goals to try make myself a better player and hopefully some of them will be accomplished before this month ends.

HaloCharts and a few other sites I´ve seen around have made me think about adding a Link´s section to the blog. That takes me to the next and last topic

Khan switches to C.Q.B.

I´ve switched my armor permutation into full gear CQB. I was a little tired of ODST helmet and, anyway, I´ve been using all but the helmet for a long time now, why not give it a try? The helmet looks good, and I feel confortable with it. So confortable that maybe I have to update the Blogs image and apperance. Maybe put it in combination with my new colors and style? I hope that this time I come and stay for real, this little blog surely deserves some of my post-matchmaking time

Happy New Gear

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