What? No time to talk, you need to go to bungie´s media page if you haven´t already. There are two new sweet videos. One regarding the new Firefight 2.0 and another... another for the Reach´s campaign...
Space Combat
Yup, I didn´t want to spoil it but you got your time....There´s gonna be Space Combat in the new Halo game!!! I can´t hardly believe it! I mean, it showed just a few seconds, but those weren´t cutscenes, thats for sure. The visuals where impresive.
About the rest of the trailer well, the Heavy Spartan (the only Spartan-II in Noble Team) looked way too bulky for my liking, but I suppose thats how Heavy Weapon guys should look...
Right now there´s not much else I can tell you. Too exited, and late for class. More to come before the weekend ends.
Halo: Reach launch date
Halo: Reach, the prequel to Halo: Combat Evolved is hitting the stores on September 14th this year. It was announced a few days ago, I know, but... you know... there´s a little article on the works and I don´t really know what else to say :P
Oh yeah, while you should know that my Gamertag is Verdadero Khan, I also play from time to time as "Disco Chepy" its a friend´s second account and, when you see me playin´with it you know we´re thogether having a great Halo party which probably involves beer and chips. Also, yesterday we played and... well... we tagged up with two great guys in this game. And in the course of the match my pal Marduk Grey, fired a rocked and killed one of our two teammates.... we didn´t had headphones so, let me say to you that he´s sorry... we´re sorry! You are two great players, and it was a very fun game. (See? I did had more things to say :P)
Sierra-Kilo-Zero-Four-Two out!!
Oh yeah, while you should know that my Gamertag is Verdadero Khan, I also play from time to time as "Disco Chepy" its a friend´s second account and, when you see me playin´with it you know we´re thogether having a great Halo party which probably involves beer and chips. Also, yesterday we played and... well... we tagged up with two great guys in this game. And in the course of the match my pal Marduk Grey, fired a rocked and killed one of our two teammates.... we didn´t had headphones so, let me say to you that he´s sorry... we´re sorry! You are two great players, and it was a very fun game. (See? I did had more things to say :P)
Sierra-Kilo-Zero-Four-Two out!!
Lt. Khan
Hurray! Finally I´ve left the NCOs ranks, although for some reason my Gamertag didn´t unlocked the achievement, who cares :P
Playing around Matchmaking again after so long feels good, really good. I´ve been concentrating on getting used again to the maps and weapons. I´m surprised to see how little the Mythic maps appear in regular matchmaking games, at least of Ranked TeamSlayer/Squad Battle and Social Big Team Battle, which is mostly what I´ve been playing
My old favorites Sandtrap, Highground and Valhalla are still around, and still host most of the Team games. My old hated maps are, sadly, still there, Guardian, Epitaph and Snowbound keep appearing and are not vetoed enough
HaloCharts keeps rocking
Honestly, if you haven´t you must go to HaloCharts. The rich display of stats is something that makes me proud of being a Halo3 player. You can see almost everything concerning your Matchmaking skills, and you can learn a lot from it. Also you can mark your own goalds (like upgrade your K/D ratio, or gain more EXP) and see the daily progress. I´ve marked quite a few goals to try make myself a better player and hopefully some of them will be accomplished before this month ends.
HaloCharts and a few other sites I´ve seen around have made me think about adding a Link´s section to the blog. That takes me to the next and last topic
Khan switches to C.Q.B.
I´ve switched my armor permutation into full gear CQB. I was a little tired of ODST helmet and, anyway, I´ve been using all but the helmet for a long time now, why not give it a try? The helmet looks good, and I feel confortable with it. So confortable that maybe I have to update the Blogs image and apperance. Maybe put it in combination with my new colors and style? I hope that this time I come and stay for real, this little blog surely deserves some of my post-matchmaking time
Playing around Matchmaking again after so long feels good, really good. I´ve been concentrating on getting used again to the maps and weapons. I´m surprised to see how little the Mythic maps appear in regular matchmaking games, at least of Ranked TeamSlayer/Squad Battle and Social Big Team Battle, which is mostly what I´ve been playing
My old favorites Sandtrap, Highground and Valhalla are still around, and still host most of the Team games. My old hated maps are, sadly, still there, Guardian, Epitaph and Snowbound keep appearing and are not vetoed enough
HaloCharts keeps rocking
Honestly, if you haven´t you must go to HaloCharts. The rich display of stats is something that makes me proud of being a Halo3 player. You can see almost everything concerning your Matchmaking skills, and you can learn a lot from it. Also you can mark your own goalds (like upgrade your K/D ratio, or gain more EXP) and see the daily progress. I´ve marked quite a few goals to try make myself a better player and hopefully some of them will be accomplished before this month ends.
HaloCharts and a few other sites I´ve seen around have made me think about adding a Link´s section to the blog. That takes me to the next and last topic
Khan switches to C.Q.B.
I´ve switched my armor permutation into full gear CQB. I was a little tired of ODST helmet and, anyway, I´ve been using all but the helmet for a long time now, why not give it a try? The helmet looks good, and I feel confortable with it. So confortable that maybe I have to update the Blogs image and apperance. Maybe put it in combination with my new colors and style? I hope that this time I come and stay for real, this little blog surely deserves some of my post-matchmaking time
Golden Khan
XboX Live Gold
Yay! That´s it, I´m an XboX Live Gold user once again... We´ll at least for a month. You see, I got this one offer which grants you a Month of Live for 1 Euro. Its a pretty good deal if you ask me, but as the link says (if you can read spanish) it could be viewed (by paranoids) as a trap/trick. After the month the subscription will keep upgrading to gold automatically every month.
I see no trick, and at the same time I see it. If you can read there´s no trick and no danger, you pay the Euro, get your month and 3 days before the end of the subscription you either cancel it or decide to stick and be Gold for a few more months. But if you CANT read, something the average internet user keeps demonstrating, you´ll end up with a month of "conscious Gold" and several others paying up for it maybe without even knowing!
Too bad, you evil evil Microsoft, you make a great offer and warn about the (obvious) consequences!
Pics from the past
Here are two pics from the last time I had Gold for more than two days. Ahh the god ol´times, were everything was new and SandTrap was the only map big enough for BTB. I´ve actually gotten worse for all these months without online practice, but I hope to catch up were I left and get even better. See you on Live =3!!!

Yay! That´s it, I´m an XboX Live Gold user once again... We´ll at least for a month. You see, I got this one offer which grants you a Month of Live for 1 Euro. Its a pretty good deal if you ask me, but as the link says (if you can read spanish) it could be viewed (by paranoids) as a trap/trick. After the month the subscription will keep upgrading to gold automatically every month.
I see no trick, and at the same time I see it. If you can read there´s no trick and no danger, you pay the Euro, get your month and 3 days before the end of the subscription you either cancel it or decide to stick and be Gold for a few more months. But if you CANT read, something the average internet user keeps demonstrating, you´ll end up with a month of "conscious Gold" and several others paying up for it maybe without even knowing!
Too bad, you evil evil Microsoft, you make a great offer and warn about the (obvious) consequences!
Pics from the past
Here are two pics from the last time I had Gold for more than two days. Ahh the god ol´times, were everything was new and SandTrap was the only map big enough for BTB. I´ve actually gotten worse for all these months without online practice, but I hope to catch up were I left and get even better. See you on Live =3!!!

BETA is comming
So okay, I know its really a Delta (Their public BETA its their internal Delta, messy, isn´t it?) but greek alphabet aside, on 3rd May we´ll be able to taste the first Halo: Reach gameplay experience. I must say that this time I´m more excited about Multiplayer than Campaing, in contrast with previous Halo launches. Because, well, this time I know how its gonna end.
I´ll try to get myself as XboX Live Gold as I can for the upcoming May slaughter, and you can be sure I´ll write here about nearly everything from the Beta. Graphics, Map Design, Gameplay... Also expect severe ranting if something is not of my liking :P
In the (short) meantime you can check, as always, Bungie.net. They have a Reach Beta Guide and several articles about maps and game variants.
Also check out the new video about Reach. Its not a ViDoc, but a trailer, and looks sweet.
Oh, and if I get myself a Gold, I´m planning to be back to Halo3/ODST bussines as well, so more updates and post about that might be coming
Spartan K-042 Out
I´ll try to get myself as XboX Live Gold as I can for the upcoming May slaughter, and you can be sure I´ll write here about nearly everything from the Beta. Graphics, Map Design, Gameplay... Also expect severe ranting if something is not of my liking :P
In the (short) meantime you can check, as always, Bungie.net. They have a Reach Beta Guide and several articles about maps and game variants.
Also check out the new video about Reach. Its not a ViDoc, but a trailer, and looks sweet.
Oh, and if I get myself a Gold, I´m planning to be back to Halo3/ODST bussines as well, so more updates and post about that might be coming
Spartan K-042 Out
Reach News
Hi again, surfing around Bungie.net I found some sweet news about the incoming Halo Reach. You know, I´m planning on doing an in-dept article about Reach (speculation included) and also a post-beta report (if I manage to get my hands on the Beta and Live Gold). But for now, I´ll just brief you with the news Bungie may have already told ya.
You know, if you go around their web this post will be mostly useless, but isn´t that the thing that makes you love this blog??
Halo Reach Game Editions
If you are at least a bit of a Halo Fan you may already expect to see the Standard, Collector´s and Legendary Editions.
Reach delivers that three packages (although the Collector´s is called "Limited") and content its detailed here Halsey´s personal journal looks pretty sweet and has already catch my attention. (You don´t know who Dr Halsey´s is??? Then you´re not a Halo fan, begone!) And also the Noble Team statue in Legendary Edition looks good, but I don´t know if good enough to make me pay nearly twice the price of Limited Edition....
Multiplayer ViDoc
Bungie has posted a new ViDoc, now I haven´t seen it (I´m updating from a sinister place with no MS Silverlight installed...) but you should check it out... you know... its free.
This short update comes to an end, hope to see you soon!
Kilo042 Out
You know, if you go around their web this post will be mostly useless, but isn´t that the thing that makes you love this blog??
Halo Reach Game Editions
If you are at least a bit of a Halo Fan you may already expect to see the Standard, Collector´s and Legendary Editions.
Reach delivers that three packages (although the Collector´s is called "Limited") and content its detailed here Halsey´s personal journal looks pretty sweet and has already catch my attention. (You don´t know who Dr Halsey´s is??? Then you´re not a Halo fan, begone!) And also the Noble Team statue in Legendary Edition looks good, but I don´t know if good enough to make me pay nearly twice the price of Limited Edition....
Multiplayer ViDoc
Bungie has posted a new ViDoc, now I haven´t seen it (I´m updating from a sinister place with no MS Silverlight installed...) but you should check it out... you know... its free.
This short update comes to an end, hope to see you soon!
Kilo042 Out
Halo Legends
I´m here again!!! [Crowd cheers] Its a quick and relatively-short update. I´m on full maintenance in my two PCs and still sick of all that JavaScript nuisance, but I´m here to rant about something that has made me even more sick.
Halo Legends
Honestly, I was very excited with this idea, although I was afraid of some of the short movies to look blunt, or too Anime-like, or some of them transforming and deforming the Halo storyline to add Xplosioms and BLAST!´s. I wanted to give some credit to the guys of Microsoft and 343 Industries.
You know what? I was right....
Let me get this straight, Halo Legends its OK, but it could have been soooo much better. But saying that is not fair, in fact, "Halo Legends" its just the name for a collection of 7 animated shorts produced by different Japanese animation companies. So, its necessary to analyze them one by one
Origins I & II: (9/10)
Origins spans two animated shorts, but a single story. Origins is the tale of the Forerunners war against the Floood, the activacion of the Halo Arrays, the Human history and the battle of the Ark. Basically, we have the 100.000 years of history of the Halo Universe. Incredibily well told, and (IMHO) incredibily well drawn. Origins is a great contribution to the Halo franchise and universe, and stands true to the series.
The Duel: (6/10)
This one its tricky, tells the story of a Sangheili Arbiter in times before the Human-Covenant War. Its a good tale and with interesting visuals but its just too "japanesse" I mean. Suddently the Sangheili civilization becames Feudal Japan, and with no reason Elites are no longer those fearsome warriors, but neraly human-looking lizards. (Female Elites don´t have four jaws? Honestly!!)And the battle, excelent action but, an entire legion against a lone warrior? And he wins? Feudal-Japan-Anime all the way...
Homecoming: (9/10)
Maybe the first interesting short I came across in Halo Legends. It tells the story of a female Spartan and how she remembers escaping from Reach and trying to come back home only to find she´s been replaced by a clone. (Don´t forget kids, Spartans were kidnapped and conscripted into the military by force and stealth) The visuals are not specially good for me, but the overall feeling works pretty good.
Odd One Out: (1/10)
This one its supposed to be a Halo parody. But let me tell you what, it just sucks. The jokes aren´t Halo-related at all, and aren´t funny at all. You wanna se a good Halo parody? See It´s a Halo Thing. Thats a funny parody....
Protoype: (5/10)
I don´t like the story, and I´m not much into mecha battles, and also, if UNSCDF hasn´t adopted freaky-transformer-like mechs into its main arsenal, it must be because they really, really aren´t viable??. Maybe because scorpions are more effective as tanks??? I don´t know, the only decent thing about this one are the visuals
The Babysitter: (2/10)
This one sucks hard. The story its simplistic, the visuals are terrible (with no sense of scale at all) and the fidelity to the Halo franchise incredibly low. Boy, and when I read the synopsis of this one I tough "ODSTs and a Spartan? Its gonna be cool!"
The Package: (6/10)
Ahh, the most interesting short-movie. We have a terrible done space-battle. I know anime artist love a lot of lights dancing around, specially with missiles, but the battle looks just ridiculous. First of all, "booster frames"... let me scream loudly: WTF??? 4 little tiny spacecraft are able to annihilate waves of Seraphs? And whats with all those lights in the Covenant ships? Did they send "disco fleet"?
But after that terrible battle we get a few minutes of true spartan action, perhaps too matrix-like, but really good. The story its odd, and (again IMHO) a complete nonsense, but The Package has managed to achieve what the other bad shorts couldn´t, its visual an action compensate the silly story.
That´s it, enough ranting for today. All in all, Halo Legends offers a good bunch of different views and approachs to the Halo universe, like the famed Halo Graphic Novel. Unlike the Halo Graphic Novel, it fails to deliver a complete, true to the story, product.
Sierra-Kilo-Zero-Four-Two Out
Halo Legends
Honestly, I was very excited with this idea, although I was afraid of some of the short movies to look blunt, or too Anime-like, or some of them transforming and deforming the Halo storyline to add Xplosioms and BLAST!´s. I wanted to give some credit to the guys of Microsoft and 343 Industries.
You know what? I was right....
Let me get this straight, Halo Legends its OK, but it could have been soooo much better. But saying that is not fair, in fact, "Halo Legends" its just the name for a collection of 7 animated shorts produced by different Japanese animation companies. So, its necessary to analyze them one by one
Origins I & II: (9/10)
Origins spans two animated shorts, but a single story. Origins is the tale of the Forerunners war against the Floood, the activacion of the Halo Arrays, the Human history and the battle of the Ark. Basically, we have the 100.000 years of history of the Halo Universe. Incredibily well told, and (IMHO) incredibily well drawn. Origins is a great contribution to the Halo franchise and universe, and stands true to the series.
The Duel: (6/10)
This one its tricky, tells the story of a Sangheili Arbiter in times before the Human-Covenant War. Its a good tale and with interesting visuals but its just too "japanesse" I mean. Suddently the Sangheili civilization becames Feudal Japan, and with no reason Elites are no longer those fearsome warriors, but neraly human-looking lizards. (Female Elites don´t have four jaws? Honestly!!)And the battle, excelent action but, an entire legion against a lone warrior? And he wins? Feudal-Japan-Anime all the way...
Homecoming: (9/10)
Maybe the first interesting short I came across in Halo Legends. It tells the story of a female Spartan and how she remembers escaping from Reach and trying to come back home only to find she´s been replaced by a clone. (Don´t forget kids, Spartans were kidnapped and conscripted into the military by force and stealth) The visuals are not specially good for me, but the overall feeling works pretty good.
Odd One Out: (1/10)
This one its supposed to be a Halo parody. But let me tell you what, it just sucks. The jokes aren´t Halo-related at all, and aren´t funny at all. You wanna se a good Halo parody? See It´s a Halo Thing. Thats a funny parody....
Protoype: (5/10)
I don´t like the story, and I´m not much into mecha battles, and also, if UNSCDF hasn´t adopted freaky-transformer-like mechs into its main arsenal, it must be because they really, really aren´t viable??. Maybe because scorpions are more effective as tanks??? I don´t know, the only decent thing about this one are the visuals
The Babysitter: (2/10)
This one sucks hard. The story its simplistic, the visuals are terrible (with no sense of scale at all) and the fidelity to the Halo franchise incredibly low. Boy, and when I read the synopsis of this one I tough "ODSTs and a Spartan? Its gonna be cool!"
The Package: (6/10)
Ahh, the most interesting short-movie. We have a terrible done space-battle. I know anime artist love a lot of lights dancing around, specially with missiles, but the battle looks just ridiculous. First of all, "booster frames"... let me scream loudly: WTF??? 4 little tiny spacecraft are able to annihilate waves of Seraphs? And whats with all those lights in the Covenant ships? Did they send "disco fleet"?
But after that terrible battle we get a few minutes of true spartan action, perhaps too matrix-like, but really good. The story its odd, and (again IMHO) a complete nonsense, but The Package has managed to achieve what the other bad shorts couldn´t, its visual an action compensate the silly story.
That´s it, enough ranting for today. All in all, Halo Legends offers a good bunch of different views and approachs to the Halo universe, like the famed Halo Graphic Novel. Unlike the Halo Graphic Novel, it fails to deliver a complete, true to the story, product.
Sierra-Kilo-Zero-Four-Two Out
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