I might or might not update before next year. But we´ll be having another nice "Halo LAN Party" for New Year´s Eve, so I´ll definitely update after that magical event ^-^
Now, the card
Sadie Story
////The Meta-Game
Anyway I completed the meta-game Sadie´s Story in ODST. And that´s what made me come here today. Its great. The "game" itself is not much. You´ll basically come across signals from The Superintendent while playing in Mombasa Streets as The Rookie. The signals vary from police car´s sirens and digital ads suddenly turning into arrows pointing a direction to ticket machines venting cash non-stop.
Finding the clues using these signals its great and intuitive, you feel like you´re being directed by the city itself (Thanks, Vergil ^-^). Once found, a clue would be only a bit of audio with some images. I told ya, that´s not much. But those bits of audio tell the story of Sadie, a young girl from New Mombasa, and they do so from her in-universe perspective. For Halo fanatics like me having audio bits of Mombasa´s daily life and the Covenant´s assault from the civilian´s perspective is very interesting. Add that the story is well told, well connected and displayed as one of those old-school radio novels and its just too sweet for me to not go after each little clue as a hungry hound.
There were 30, and boy, one or two of them were really hidden. Were not for lil´s Superintendent help I would have never found them. The last one was specially diferent, and especially dramatic.
////It was a G-R-E-A-T Idea
Including optional information about the game universe in any game is something Dev´s should do more often. Bungie tried it a bit with Halo 3´s Terminals. Its a great way to expand the game universe while not anoying players with endless cinematics or tons of text they can´t skip. Of course if you like the game and the story, you´ll want to see what those bits have to offer. But if you´re the kind of (idiot) player who only wants to shoot at stuff with his laz00r you won´t search for them, and you wont spam the dev´s mail with tons of "your game rulz but to much cutzcenes!!!!" so, this way, everybody is happy. The story-loving fans and the gameplay-only dudes
Sierra K-042 out!!
Updating, again!
ODST Legnd
First, I completed Halo ODST on Legendary. Man, what a night. Some points where I tought "this is gonna be hell" were easy as pie. But others that looked easy were... hell. But I must admit it wasn´t so hard, compared to what I feared (Noob Combo FTW). So finally I can play as Dare!!
A trailer of the upcoming Halo: Reach bungie title has been on the net for quite a few days now. So if you haven´t seen it, now its your time to do so.
Seems nice, huh? Well, maybe it isn´t as epic as the ones we were used to regarding Halo (although you have to admit that the Covenant Cruiser looks pretty epic and... scary) we just see a Spartan squad with presumably MJOLNIR Mark IV armor and a new addition to the squad. A lone survivor of "Pegasi" which, we pressume, its also a Spartan.
First, the speculation!
This is my blog, and I love to speculate regarding the Halo Universe. And about Reach and the trailer, there´s plenty to think about. We have a Spartan team, nicknamed "Noble". We´ll, the main Spartan force was commanded by Frederick, the Blue Leader. And descended on a Pelican to protect the MAC Stations generators, which were on the surface of the planet and also were very vulnerable to Covenant ground units. (Read Halo: The Fall of Reach and Halo: First Strike to know more) So what´s with this team? Are they even Spartan-II? I guess so, but I can only guess.
Regarding the Lone survivor of Pegasi. He may come from Pegasi Delta, a small planet were the Covenant held a colony and a refuelling station. 300 Spartan-III were sent to assault the colony in Operation TORPEDO. Only two survived: Tom B-292 and Lucy B-091. So if our lonewolf is a survivor from Pegasi, he/she must be either Tom or Lucy. Or he/she might even be another Spartan-III survivor, you know, when everything goes to hell in a military operation its hard to tell how many of your friends are dead, mortally wounded or just MIA
But of course, Pegasi might mean anything else and non-related. Thats the sad part of speculation
Onto the trailer itself:
Look at that graphics, aren´t they great for a CGI trailer? Think again, because Bungie stated they were INGAME Graphics. Wow, thats just amazing, isn´t it? I can´t wait to see the finished product. Oh, and the Elites are back......
Sierra K-042 Out
Long time no see!!
My Halo Legendary Campaing quest has been stopped, but only because first I wanna finish ODST in the same difficulty. For two main reasons: One, I wanna play Firefight with Dare. And two, after surviving the hordes of angry Covenant troops as an ODST I think playing as a walking tank Spartan-II its gonna feel easier. Indeed, I have already tried playing Halo3 after ODST and I feel the difference.
On other news I´ve already seen Halo Waypoint and, 343 Industries, I must say I´m utterly dissapointed. Halo Waypoint don´t feels like a "place of meeting for all Halo fans" nah, it looks and surely I´m afraid it is just a place for Achievement hunters and an excuse to milk the Halo franchise. Frankie, what have you done?
Okay, I´m being a bit to harsh here. Truth is Halo Waypoint its a nice download. After that, you enter, and if you´re not Live Gold, you´re out. I used my last 48 hours Gold time to try Halo Waypoint (and to enter Matchmaking for two sweet days, of course) Your Halo achievements are evaluated and you recibe a rank an a few presents. Those are objects for your 3D avatar. Then you have interviews, and a few articles about the Halo franchise, both in-game and in-universe.
But IMHO none of them have the depth and quality of those you´ll see in other fansites (The Halopedia for example)
Halo Waypoint, right now, fails to be a place of meeting for Halo fans. Forums, fanpages and other places in the net are much more "must visit" places than Waypoint. I do hope that this is because Waypoint its still a newborn place, and as time goes on more articles of better quality and depth are added. But I might be dissapointed again, because perhaps Halo waypoint its just gonna be full of trailers, offers of merchandise and low-quality articles about the Halo universe
////You gotta love Bungie
Nah, I´m not saying it because I want them to link my site, I´m talking about pure and true love, just like with Halo. They are great developers, but the most important thing for me, is that they take good care of their own fans: the mighty Seventh Column.
In Bungie.net they feed us all with tons of contents, from the Bungie blog full of funny videos and community news to the Bungie Weekly update (once a week, each friday) and articles. The articles usually give inside looks to the studio or how they work and, the reason to write this, some technical articles about the games explained in layman terms.
Recently I read through "A certain sense of movement" which explains how animations were done for Halo 3. No, don´t expect a paper or a lot of details, that would require tons and tons of text, and surely programming knowledge from the reader
Right now, I´m gonna read "Deconstructing construct" and we´ll see what Bungie has to offer to satisfy my Grunty Thirst.
So that´s it for now, a pretty big update after months, and the promise to try to update this more often. Also I´ll try to change it a bit, not only for you, dear and scarce readers, but for myself, to see if changing the layout and adding things my desire to stay along increases to decent ammounts
Sierra Kilo Zero-Four- Two out
Bungie did it again
The campaign has also a great story, I never saw that ending coming, thats sure. And the new non-linear scenarios add to that new halo experience too. You can roam freely around the devastated city, that is, unless the Covenant decides to drop a few patrols between you and your freely-chosen destiny
Enough about ODST, if you want a good review, just look for it, I´m too excited about it to make a decent semi-impartial one :P
Back To Business
I´m enjoying a sweet 48 hours of Xbox Live online gaming. I tried to have some Firefight with a local friend via Xbox Live but severe LAG dissuaded us of trying again...So I jumped to good ol´Halo 3 Matchmaking and have been playing Big Team Battle since....
News coming, for sure, when the Halo ODST chaos dissipates from my mind
Romeo, holding his sniper rifle: What the hell am I supposed to do with this INSIDE a Covenant ship???
That´s the reason I haven't updated, and thats the reason why I am so upset
One day to Drop!!
During the last few day s I have tried to see or hear as little regarding ODST as possible. As little? Yeah, when you´re going to drop you might as well drop with good intel. But once the drop is near, the only thing you´ll see and hear are gonna be rumors and spoilers, and not intel. And those, soldiers, are not good things to have you head full of before a combat drop
Sir! We go first!-ODST aboard Pillar of Autumn before dropping into Installation 04
Kilo Zero Four Two Out
Halo Waypoint
Take a look, take a look and just learn about it
But I won´t just put a link and tell you to read it, that would be utterly dissapointing, wouldn´t it?
From what I´ve heard Halo Waypoint will be a place in Live! designed only for Halo fans, with all the possible content and interactive events. And also a place of meeting to all Halo-loving people. They say its gonna have something like a "career" taking into account your Halo games achievements and other "non halo game related" things. I don´t know what that is, nobody nows right now.
Bad things? Money, of course. If you´re not Gold, forget it. Right now they´re just saying that "maybe it will be only for Gold members" but... you know, its MS after all. So don´t expect much for Silver
The release date is November 5, thats what the twitter says anyway....
Not much more, keep a look for Halo Waypoint and Halo: ODST, as always.
Greetings. I am the Monitor of Installation 04. I am 343 Guilty Spark. Someone has released the Flood. My function is to prevent it from leaving this installation. But I require your assistance.
343 Guilty Spark, first meeting Master Chief
Spartan 042 Out
This sunday I played with a friend on Live after a few (Way too many) months and felt soooo clumsy. Still we managed to win and kill some of the bad guys. Of course it was a sad thing I was playing like [mifriend´sgamertag]1 and not like Verdadero Khan but we made a promise. If we can win witouth training or a coordinated team, we have to see what we can make with those. So we´ll try to form a little clan, more likely a squad, once get Gold back along with other two friends. Sounds nice, but also far.....
Left Behind
The OD(ST)yssey II
Not much in the way of news today, haven´t checked Bungie.net or anything Halo-related. But I solved an old connection problem with my 360, thats a success. Then spent hours playing Bioshock.
I had to admit something, and then make a promise. I haven´t completed Halo 3 campaign on Legendary. That wasn´t a big concern, not after having the floor wiped with my shinny spartan ass about then thousands of times in Tsavo Higway level (near the marine´s outpost that gets attacked by a Wraith) I´m a quickly frustrating-perilously enraging guy, so when that kind of things happen I just sit back, try to relax, and shut the game before I start going berserk. But not this time, I have to do it. The reason? I was comparing games with some friends and the amount of them that have the "Game Completed in Legendary" achievement is unacceptable, mostly because every single one of them has then his own ass beaten by myself while playing online. WHY? WHY, Oh, ironic Haloverse deities! Why people that is easily beaten by me can beat the Legendary Campaign??
After pondering the question for a while I reached the only acceptable conclusion, they have tried, died, tried harder, died harder and finally succeeded. So I will relax, sit back and try again and again until the little "Game Completed in Legendary" thingy pops in front of my eyes flooded with tears. It´ll help to pass the remaining days to Halo ODST.
Oh, BTW... that´s a promise
Cortana to Captain Keyes: With all due respect, sir. This war has enough dead heroes....
S-K042 Out!
Top 10 Halo 3
The O(DST)dyssey
I´m packing the Xbox 360´s Battlefield 2, Fuzion Frenzy 2 and Moto GP 2006 along with olde Xbox´s Medal of Honor Rising Sun in hopes of getting at least half the money. Tomorrow we´ll see how much I can get for those tittles. Goodbye dear lil´friends, your sacrifice is more than worthy
In these final stages of the ODST-obsesive-compulsive cycle in my mind I can´t help but load tons of gameplay videos around the net and closing them all before I lay eyes onto them. Why? I don´t want any spoilers, nothing telling me how my ODST experience will be before the game is on my trembling hands. But man, I´m dying with curiosity.....
Gunnery Sergeant Edward "Buck": Troopers! We´re green, and very, very mean!
Sierra Kilo-042 out. Drop in 22/9/2552
Give ´em hell
Back from the LAN Party
Oh of course Khan, we believe you. Well, I had planned a great account of the events, but my xbox´s cache managed to erase any recent films I had about the massacres in question. Do not worry, I still have plenty to talk about.
Regarding the blog, there you go, the first (part of) fanfiction and the first article. I do hope to keep it up and fill the blank spaces in those lists with yet more fanatically literal fiction and speculation-full articles.
On to the LAN Hell....
It was one big battle, that´s all I can say. 2 360, sadly only 4 pads. But yet with only four of us the battles were ferocious an funny. We started trying to play our usual rocket frenzy first game but our favorite handcrafted version of Foundry: Tokyo Race, wasn´t found in neither my 360´s hard drive nor in my friend´s one. So? What do we do now? We CANT play rockets without Tokyo Race. Fully packed with hammer and prongs, with the first snacks already at the table in front of us accompanied by cold, delicious beer, we did the only thing we could do: Remake Tokyo Race
Alright, we went to forge trying to do our best, the erasing part was easy. We left the map empty. One of my friends, under the name of "Nibe Oroure" (thats a gamertag I created for my friends to tag along, not an online one) starts shooting everything that moves and, sadly for us, the only things which moved were myself and Insurrección, the other forger at the time. The fourth pad had no owner by the time, the future to be Loki tag yet busy with the beer and the snacks, and not into the forging fun. Nibe Oroure shoots, what could I do? Of course, I shoot back, and kill the bastard over and over again. Okay, he kills me too, but only a few times :P
All that while Insurreccion its still trying to remake our beloved map. I, completely gone out of my mind for the bloodthirst, forgot about forge, the only instances I turned into a monitor were to spawn more powerfull, spartan-blowing weapons to extract revenge or humiliation over Nibe Oroure. In the raging battle Insurreccion gets killed a few times... then not a so-few times and then we start killing him on purpose.
But he, the only real hero of the match, manages to finish the remake after barely 30 mins of forgin hell. The final result its even better than the previous Tokyo Race, so we decided to call him, our new baby: Cabezadepija 2.0. Why? Oh.. don´t ask why
-----Let me introduce you to Cabezadepija 2.0 (AKA TokyoRace2)

--A side

--B side

B side its the opposite to A side in all the possible meanings: An empty area ready to be full of flying rockets and unfortunate players. Only the stairway to heaven (I actually nicknamed it that way) and a football ball for our personal fun. The true battle its upstairs... in heaven, were angels and demons make their way to the higher areas to try and blow every tiny mortal down in earth stupid enough to get on their sight.
That´s all, the interiors are blocked and not much fun goes on there, except for the casual "face 2 face suicide-kill" surprises that sometimes happen. You think its not funny? You think its not much? You think wrong, trust me

Thats the first of our forged map, the next its called "Covies&UNSC" and its a way more serious and not-drunk approach to forge. A revision of Standoff designed for the most tactical and planned halo matchs. You see? That´s not as funny as our rocket crazyness
After that forging incident we devoted themselves into the healthy custom of killing and insult ourselves while playing together as true and beloved friends. A few more matchs of rockets, were I managed to win with either Insurreccion or Loky close to my marks (Usually 25-23 and even two incredible 25-24) I have to say that I´m not that good aiming rockets, I´m just lucky and well aware of my surroundings, and also a sneaky bitch. If I can kill you from behind, or above, or below without you noticing it, trust me, I will. Anyways I still managed to score some precious double and triple kills and even a few awesome chain reactions were everyone (including myself) ended up dead.
Tired of all the flying corpses and explosions we switched to Infection first in the same map and then on Isolation. I have to say that my previously explained sneakiness defeated easily the "B-movie style" defensive tactics of my comrades and, when I wasn´t eating brains, I made sure to become the last man standing.
What do I dare to call B-movie style defensive tactics? Oh well, the usually said "Let´s split up to find him!" its one of my favorites. Also the "Stay together" in an easily assailable place its great, all your preys stick to the same place for the onslaught, isn´t it beautiful?
Then we switched to campaing mode, legendary, with all the (bad) skulls switched on. But its another story, and a perfect excuse for tomorrow´s post
Johnson regarding John 117: For a brick, it flew pretty good!
Spartan K042 out
Truth´s decision: Earth avoids glassing
Here comes my first article for the blog too. A curious one, for at least the people who have read through the novels should have the following question in mind. And this is my little attempt to answer it :)
Truth´s decision, Earth avoids being glassed
Why the Prophet of Truth didn´t start to glass Earth after smashing UNSC Home Fleet and breaking through the Lunar Perimeter? This is a question that, bearing in mind the usual Covenant´s tactics its puzzling and confusing to say the least. The first logical reason would be the same used for other planets which, at least for a time, escaped the fate of being glassed. Planets such as Reach: The Covenant were looking for a holy and mysterious artifact, so they avoided glassing the area, but only the area around the search point (Menachite Mountain) Thats in fact very reasonable, why spare an entire planet if you´re only interested in a tiny spot?
One could say the Covenant were afraid of taking the risk to damage Earth, because they feared it could damage also the relic, or a part of it, because they didn´t knew exactly how big it was, or to what extend it was connected to the planet. Examples of this are numerous, but the most prominent was the decision of the Fleet Of Particular Justice near the orbit of the first Halo, were they didn´t attacked UNSC Pillar of Autumn with Plasma Torpedoes or other heavy weapons in fear of damaging the nearby ringworld. Although its a plausible theory, it doesn´t fit well in the overall Earth circumstances. The Covenant seemed to knew perfectly how big was the relic, and were it was located right from the start. That´s why Regret landed on New Mombasa, and why the battle for the city was one of the fiercest in the Human-Covenant War history
The last theory I can come with, one of my own plotting, its only logical and reasonable in the wide and complex perspective of the whole Human-Covenant and Covenant Civil War conflicts, along with the Flood Outbreak and its resumed in the following statement: Truth´s Fleet didn´t had the power nor the means to glass Earth. Yeah, I know, Harvest was glassed by only ONE ship and Truth´s Fleet was of at least 20. I´m not talking of raw power, but of the functional and practical one. At first a Covenant fleet was being readied to assault the “Human homeworld” and reach Earth (At that point the Covenant didn´t had a clue about Earth and our homeplanet being the same one) They probably tough the human homeworld was perilously near of Earth, and so, such fleet numbered 500 capital ships, a more than reasonable amount of ships to easily overwhelm human defenses in their so called homeplanet. Only the intervention of the last Spartans during Operation First Strike saved Earth from the massive attack, achieving the largest UNSC naval victory in all the war after destroying the entire fleet (except for about 12 surviving ships) and its refitting station: The Unyielding Hierophant. More than the largest human victory in all the war, it represented the largest defeat to the Covenant with frightening difference, showing that the war was far from over, and mankind far from defeat (at least in the eyes of the covenant leaders)
The High Prophet of Regret, blinded in finding the relic (maybe because he knew Truth´s intention of becoming the sole leader of the Covenant?) heads to the task with a handful of ships (perhaps the 12 surviving ships from Operation First Strike are the ones who accompany him) finding out, much to his own regret, that Earth and the relic´s planet were not near to each others, but right in the same spot, because they were the same. And so, Regret´s raggedy-ass fleet is anihilated with tenacity by human forces. Even with casualties weighting more heavily on the human´s side, the Covenant sees with horror that his most appreciated relic sits in a heavily defended human world. Even better defended than Reach, which had already resulted in a terrible battle
Roughly at the same time the civil war erupts between Covenant ranks, Elites and Brutes fight each other and draw every single race in the collective to the war. This civil war, caused by the turbulent and plotted rise to power of the Prophet of Truth, results in a massive war which divides the Covenant empire and turns the biggest Covenant fleet ever seen around High Charity into a messy conglomerate of warring ships, firing into each other. The battle, along with the chaos (which surely caused more than one ship-to-ship collision) and the significant Flood Outbreak and invasion of High Charity, decimates the Covenant Fleet. All these factors join together again to turn a gigantic fleet that would had smashed Earth defenses in a matter of hours, maybe minutes, in a chaotic conglomerate of engaged factions. Seeing the flood getting closer, along with the demon and even the risk of the Elites defeating his loyal brutes, with no more time to arrange a fleet, Truth takes every ship loyal to him that can follow out of the system and heads towards Earth, joining with an already attacking Covenant strike force as part of Second Battle of Earth
The battle lasts for weeks, and a few assault tentatives of the Covenant are repelled. Mankind forces are completely worn out but still resist with a persistence not ever seen. Not even in Reach. Even in the brink of annihilation human ships don´t retreat, the troops are fighting to death and even the less combat-ready vessels launch themselves with a suicide courage which makes Covenant´s casualties catastrophic. Truth, as well, finds his new brute shipmasters less skilled and tenacious than the former elites, and if the elites were already surpassed in intelligence and skill by humans, brutes could said to be simply left in ridiculous.
However, by a mere question of numbers and superior technology, Truth´s fleet manages to break the Lunar Perimeter, smash what was left of UNSCDF Home Fleet and descent into Earth´s atmosphere. Refusing to address the menace of a planetary-scale war, Truth launches himself with all the ships towards New Mombasa´s ruins, rushing, determined to find the relic in the less time possible. The why of his decision will be discussed soon. Truth is that, except for a few isolated attacks in key zones (like the attack to FLEETCOM HQ in Australia or the disastrous attack to Cleveland) The Covenant´s fleet gathers around a single spot and massacres the area´s defenders
But humanity, in the brink of extinction, seems to refuse to accept its dark fate. Ambushes, surprise attacks and the use of even the last nuclear warhead of UNSC arsenal are still a danger to Truth´s plans and fleet. The ground advance and attack its stopped and the war on the surface becomes Hell for both sides, even with mankind being the loser by a vast difference. In that moment the wisest choice would have been send ships to glass the planet´s surface, killing the remaining humans to stop their reinforcements and ongoing, non-stop, attacks. But Truth keeps the warships in the perimeter around the yet to be found Portal. At this point we reach to the obvious conclusion of why Truth and the Covenant did not glass Earth: They couldn´t. The alien fleet its on the defensive, stopping each human attempt to retake their lost ground. Sending little groups of ships would not only leave the main force even weaker and more exposed to the human´s attacks, but would also leave the roaming groups of ships under the risk of falling into ambushes and even being destroyed. The Covenant knew that UNSC had probably ships still operative and combat ready, enough perhaps to hunt down the glassing taskforces
Covenant escort Seraph interceptors cannot work inside the atmosphere, but its human counterpart, the Longsword, not only works, but does it with enviable supremacy. Sending warships without escort (adding the fact that plasma torpedoes can hardly be fired inside a planet´s gravity well) is a suicide even for the most obtuse brute´s mind. Truth is hand-tied, the only way to guard his already few ships is to keep them together and surrounded by AA ground units. And so he does
Why so much hurry in going down to dig the relic? They could have glassed the planet from the orbit. With their ships in a secure zone, with fully operational waves of Seraph interceptors and combat-ready plasma torpedoes. Its another simple answer, if there´s something that Truth feared over human defenses and sees even more likely to his defeat its the Elite´s victory in the Covenant Civil War, or at least the survival of a significant group. A group that for sure will seek revenge over the traitor prophet. Adding the rumors of the Arbiter being still alive, seeking openly for revenge and having forged an alliance with the humans the prophet´s worse nightmares have then come true: The elites are coming after him, allied by the few surviving humans and perhaps with a fleet big enough to wipe him out of the sky (As was later demonstrated in the Ark, even with the brutes outnumbering the elites 3 to 1) the alliance will probably secure the relic and together launch an attack hard to repel. Thats the hurry, Truth´s own way of rising to power and reaching Earth places him in a life or death situation with a single opportunity of victory: Going through the portal as soon as possible, and activating the rings before anyone could stop him.
FanFic-The Storm I
Anyway, any comments, suggestions, "this fanfic sucks"s, "this fanfic rules"s and grammar-language corrections are more than welcome. As everybody says, I hope you enjoy reading the story as much as I did witting it
November 17th, 2552
Tsavo Region, 4 Km far from Voi
Second Battle of Earth is at its peak in eastern Africa. The ground burns with countless scars from Covenant bombardements. Up above, in the skies, UNSC Hornets dogfight with Banshees and Phantoms to take control of the atmosphere, to give human ground forces a chance to regroup and strike back.
The air battle has been raging for hours, and the badly damaged and destroyed vehicles of both sides are scattered through the plains, littering the ground and marking their resting places with columns of black smoke.
A destroyed Phantom, its engines still burning and propelling blue mists of incandescent gas, sits humillated and conquered. An UNSC Flag waves planted over its damaged and blackened hull. Near it a shadowy silouette covers a Mongoose with camouflage while another sits in a rock, looking at the sky with vigilant eyes.
In the savanna....
The pair of ODST had been fighting nonstop for the last three hours, riding the Mongoose they had nicknamed “Valentine” searching for suitable locations to do their art or speeding through enemy territory to hunt down jackal snipers. Now they sat near the destroyed Phantom, waiting for briefing after receiving a transmission from HQ telling them to wait there “for further instructions on a vital mission”. Kuno Hudson, the sniper, didn´t knew what was worse: The waiting under the merciless african sun, or the even more merciless waves of Banshees which were flying over them
-Do you think they see us??-asked William Dietrich, Kuno´s Spotter and escort, the ODST was looking upwards after having covered “Valentine”. Kuno looked to William´s polarized visor
-I don´t know. Do you see anything but the enemy which is trying to kill you during combat?-asked the sniper
-What? Of course I do-William seemed offended by the question
-That´s why you are a spotter, and not a flyboy. Relax, those alien bastards are too worried of being shoot down by our Hornets to even look for each other. Not to mention looking for two tiny little humans on this endless savanna-Kuno took his C-S2 AM Sniper Rifle and extracted the magazine containing the four 14.5x144mm AP Sabot rounds to inspection it, more of a ritual than an actual comprobation. William looked back at the sky and then again at his comrade, the ODST shrug his shoulders
The pair heard only the explosions of the raging battle above them for about two eternal minutes before standing up in surprise for the sudden incoming transmission in their open Com Channel
-Alpha nine? Alpha nine come in....-the voice was miraclously clean, taking into account that most, if not all, of the UNSC Comunication Satellites had been destroyed by the Covenant during the orbital battle. Kuno pressed a button on his helmet and began to reply
-Here´s Alpha Nine. Waiting for orders-while his partner talked William listened and looked around, vigilant as always
-Alpha nine, this is the Temporary Fleet Command. We´re sending you a transport. Wait there and secure the landing zone. Briefing and resupplies will come inbound. TFC out-the transmission, like all the transmissions from the crippling FLEETCOM, was short and inconclusive. William shock his head
-I don´t know if I like this....-said the ODST
-Would you rather ride Valentine with all those Banshees and Covies around here?-as always, the pair exchanged sarcasm and impressions when there was nothing else to do
-I thought they couldn´t see us
-Well, that was before we had a better transport-under his helmet Kuno was smiling
After about ten minutes of waiting the pair of ODST saw a formation of three AV-14 Hornets. At first, the soldiers thought it was a group of damaged Hornets trying to flee from the ongoing battle, but soon they saw how the VTOLs descended towards their position
-Alpha nine, this is King One. Clear the landing zone, we´re coming in. Supplies and ONI inbound-Kuno looked at William...ONI inbound??
Only one of the aircrafts landed, the other two took attitude again an swept the area in defensive formation. Once the dust propelled by the turbines of the Hornet started to disperse the two ODST saw somebody with a strange looking armor jumping from the left skid.
-It can´t be....-started to say William. But not even him dared to pronounce the word “Spartan” A word of hope and victory that had come to be the nearest thing to a sacred word between the UNSC troopers, despite the famed rivalry between ODST and Spartans. But no, it wasn´t possible. The tales of Spartan soldiers being more than 2m tall, clad in cybernetic armor with shielding and killing thousands of Covenant brutes may have been a bit overdone, but that figure clad in strange armor looked just like a human, not like a supersoldier
-You may call me ONI Recon Five-Twelve. You are Alpha nine, aren´t you?-said the armored figure with a deep masculine voice. His helmet was enclosed but different to the ones of the ODST. It had a tiny amber visor. The armor was like a lighter yet more advanced version of the ODST combat suit
-Yep, Alpha nine through and through-nodded Kuno-So, what do we stand?
-This-the ONI operative gave the ODST a pair of dusty photographs. Kuno and William looked at them. They were of a white-haired brute chieftain. In one of them the gigantic creature was kicking a grunt while another ran in panic, in the other it was tearing out the arms of an agonizing female marine
-Disgusting...a friend of yours?-said William. The ONI operative seemed to look directly into the ODSTs eyes, like if he could pass through the polarized visor with a furious eyesight
-The girl was-said him with a calm, yet tense voice-That brute its the closest thing to a Rommel the Covenant have in Africa right now. And you are going to kill him-the ONI gave Kuno a little memory chip
-My pleasure, do you want me to put one bullet straight to his balls before cracking his cranium with the next?-asked Kuno
-This is not a revenge, its a key mission. FleetCom its organizing a combined air and ground counterattack. This Brute, we think its name is Taralus, is the commander in charge of the ground operations in and around the battlezone. We need you to sever the snake´s head just while the attack punchs trough, cause chaos in the Covenant ranks, break their command chain....basically kill this motherfucker and make the Covenant Battlenet a fuss full of “Commander is down!!” cryings. Got it?
-Understood-said Kuno, looking again at the photographs
-Great. You got all Intel data in the memchip: Last know locations, field inspection patterns, everything we know about the bastard. Thats CLASSIFIED information for the most part. You´ve got to kill that brute at any cost. This attack is going to change the course of the entire War, and we won´t let this gorilla spoil our best chance to launch it-Said the ONI, Kuno had the feeling of being inspected by him like a piece of equipment
William was busy taking the few supplies command had sent them in a supply pack. Two S2 AM magazines, a suppressor and two extra magazines for his SMG and just enough water to refill their canteens. Seeing how the war was going, the ODST didn´t dare to complain.
-I´ll put a bulled through the brute´s skull, you can mark that-Kuno held his S2 AM firmly to accompany the words.
-If it is so vital, why send just one sniper team? Why not blast the bastard with an air assault?-asked William, the ODST wasn´t so fond of military ceremony and discipline
-Covenant AA units own the area surrounding Taralus´s base of operations, we can´t get near him, we can´t even send guided missiles.... And you´re not the only snipping team. In fact, you´re the last to be briefed. I´m changing your designation from Alpha nine to Death. The other teams are called Conquest, War and Famine. Now go to it, you´ll have plenty of time to read the details from the memchip on the ride to Voi. Good luck-The ONI operative walked towards the camouflaged mongoose-I´ll be needing this
The two ODST looked at each other before jumping into the Hornet, one on each skid. The pilot nodded and then the VTOL began to rise
-Too much asking for a simple letter-and-number code??-whispered William over the open com channel
-Well, I´d rather be Death than Famine, if you ask me-answered Kuno
-Man, I just hate biblical references....
The fourth riders...
The formation of Hornets flyed over the Tsavo region on low-attitude. Not low enough to be in range of Covenant ground units, but not high enough to be in risk of being involuntarily engaged in the massive air battle for the african sky
William was too busy looking up and down, the man was always trying to be as aware of its surroundings as he could, the perfect spotter. Kuno, on the other side, was trying not to get sick. It wasn´t the fly, he was an ODST and riding on a Hornet, even in the eye of a hurricane with plasma bolts all around, was nothing compared to taking a trip on an HEV. It was just.... he couldn´t stand the noise the jet outtakes of the aircraft made.
-Hang on, it seems we´ve got a couple of Banshees on our tails-the Hornet´s pilot, King One, was talking over the open channel. When that kind of news were delivered William and Kuno would look to each other with concern, but being in opposed wings of the aircraft like they were, they limited to look around and then secured themselves to the body of the VTOL
The three Hornets quickly began to gain attitude, trying to get advantage against the attacking banshees. If they we´re going to be engaged in the air battle, there was no point in fighting low. William easily spotted the group of banshees, a V formation of seven alien aircraft were approaching at full speed, the battle was raging all around, but the sky between the incoming ´shees and the Hornets was unfortunately clear of friendly units
The Hornets were flying in a little arrowhead formation with King One in the center
-I´ll call for reinforcements, but we might as well have to fight those bitches-said the pilot, its voice was filled with tension
The Hornet to the left of the formation broke out and accelerated towards the alien aircrafts
-Take them to Voi, I´ll hold the ´shees. Make it two, three kills if I´m lucky. But I´ll give ´em hell of a fight-the other pilot was using the open channel as well. Kuno was on the right side of the Hornet and couldn´t see a thing, but William whispered:
-”We owe you a big one, pal”
The remaining pair of Hornets descended quickly between a mountain valley hoping to get out of the pursuing banshees sight by the time they came back after them. Accelerating, King One spoke again
-I hope your mission was important enough for sacrificing a pilot as good as King Six, if we´ve had ten like him we would be having breakfast at Covenant Capital right now for sure
Kuno looked back and saw King Six´s Hornet maneuvering quickly to doge several plasma bolts from the banshee formation, one of the banshees plummeted to the ground in a ball of fire, and the ODST at last managed to understand what was going on
-I hope it too-he said after making sure its com was closed
After the valley, the mountains ahead opened into a vast plain and a great group of smoking buildings could be seen on the horizon: Voi. But the one thing that called the ODSTs attention was the huge storming clouds forming an spiral over the crater that used to be New Mombasa and Voi´s Lake. The crater was there before, but not so big, the clouds were also there the last time they operated in the area, just five hours ago, but not as big, not as stormy, not as....sinister
-That´s what I´d call a bad omen-said William, laconic
-Voi its right ahead, the city is owned by Covenant forces and the dock factories are a battlefield from what I´ve heard. I´ll get you guys as near to the city as I can, but with all the AA ground fire I don´t know where that will be-said King One. It started to rain wildly as soon as they entered under the stormy clouds
Voi is burning...
Either the air battle was of a bigger scale of what Kuno previously thought, or it was moving towards Voi, the crater and the storm. Seeing the amount of Banshees and Phantoms heading to the same place, the second option was the more likely. In that brief moment Kuno had the sensation that the crater under the storm would be the place were the fate of all Earth, all the War and even something bigger would be decided
Voi city was right ahead, more precisely, what was left of Voi city. The worker town was almost wiped out of the map, only a few sectors from the dockside factories and the adjacent commercial district remained, along with a few apartment blocks and half-ruined outskirts buildings. The city itself looked like a funerary pyre, the only sign of life were the explosions in the sky and the AA fire coming from the dockside factories
-´shees! Lots of ´em!-cried the other Hornet pilot. Of course there were lots of Banshees, when the ODSTs looked front the only thing they could see were dozens of the dammed aircrafts
The burning outskirts of the city started to roll under the Hornet´s skids. Kuno held his MD6 sidearm while securing the sniper to his back, looking down the only thing he could see was smoke: no marines, no covies, nothing
-Do you think they know we´re coming in?-asked William over the open com
-They always know when we´re coming in...-answered Kuno aiming down with the MD6.
The Hornet shook while moving sideways to avoid the incoming plasma of a bashee, two more were coming fast from the dockside but were still far away. The escort Hornet quickly aimed at the aircraft and nailed it down with its powerful triple barreled twin chainguns, turning the ´shee into a pile of pierced and burning alien metal which plummeted to the ground. The banshees were no match to the Hornet´s firepower. On the other side, regarding maneuverability and numbers, they aliens always won
William saw five bolts of green heavy plasma fire coming from the ground towards the Hornets, but not what was firing them
-Enemy fire, incoming!!-he shouted over the com. The Hornet´s outtakes burned while accelerating fullspeed and the aircraft stepped aside from the way of the plasma fire. William heard an explosion and a green light illuminated the sky. The escort hornet´s right truster was burning and half of the aircraft´s armor was missing or melted
-I´m hit!-the pilot was shocked
-Nolan, pull back!-ordered the lead pilot
-It´s only a scratch, I´ll follow until you drop the snipers, then retreat-the Hornet´s pilot sounded tired and breathing with difficulty. Looking at his damaged aircraft, with the cracked cockpit wide open and pieces of melted metal and glass all around, William could tell he was injured
-That´s it, more AA fire. We´re going down. Get ready to drop guys...-said King One. More green plasma fire was coming from the dockside, and fire from small plasma turrets was erratically filling the sky while trying to hit the two VTOL
The burning roofs of the higher buildings were now getting bigger as the lead aircraft descended fullspeed while the damaged escort tried to attract enemy AA fire. Kuno saw the smoking streets nearer, and could now see they were littered with dead bodies
-Drop us in one of those building´s roofs-asked the ODST. Anything better than going down that graveyard
-Roger-answered the pilot. The Hornet moved forward a little to correct the course and kept going down, in a few seconds it was hovering one meter over the roof of a medium-sized apartment block in the outskirts of the commercial district.
The ODSTs jumped out and as soon as they hit the ground the Hornet accelerated and started to gain attitude. Kuno and William took cover in the border parapet of the eastern side and checked their gear
-I´ll regroup with the other Hornets and get as many banshees as I can. Good luck with your mission, whatever it is. King One out
Ghost town...
Kuno took the memchip and put it in his battered PDA. William looked to the east, the commercial district was a tiny group of metallic and windowed buildings, the tallest of which was just of about ten floors. Most of the windows were broken, and most of the metal panels melted or blackened. Fires inside the buildings were the only lights and nothing could be seen moving. Although the ODST had the feeling that a battle was going on down there. Beyond the commercial district were the dockside factories, but the view was blocked by the nearest buildings, the only thing William could see farther than the district were the stormy clouds and the titanic Covenant warships over the crater
-If I had to represent the apocalypse in just one photo, this would be it-said William, using his hands to make an imaginary camera objective
-I though you hated biblical references-said Kuno while looking at his PDA. William laughed and then took his spotting scope. The rain was already soaking the ODST´s combat suits
The air battle was raging at its peak, new waves of Hornets met the increasing number of banshees over Voi and burning debris felt towards the city. William swept with the scope the roofs of the nearest buildings in search of snipers: Nothing, not even a single Grunt. Then he sat next to Kuno and looked at the PDA
-Lets see what we´ve got here-said Kuno as the memchip finished loading. The PDA had received a hard punishment in the days of endless battle and the ODST wasn´t even sure it could be able to load the chip. Fortunately it did. Satellite images from the city, a 3D map and the last known position of the THREE enemy legions which occupied the city filled the PDA´s screen-The brute´s command is just in the center of the commercial district, heavily guarded, full of Tangos and probably the place where that Taralus will be. But ONI marked a few other positions were he is likely to be found: Two outposts in the dockside factories and a trench line near Traxus Factory Complex 09. Here-Kuno pointed in the 3D map to a factory on the edge of the dockside. The factory had a red flickering septagon inside, as Kuno pointed to it a series of letters appeared: E2-BAG/1/7
-That´s a marine unit!-said Williams looking at the septagon. The fact that it was red and flickering indicated that the unit had heavy loses and was under attack. Kuno nodded
-So, that´s why our hairy commander goes over to the trenches, to inspect the onslaught
Kuno put the PDA into his backpack again and took the S2 A, standing up he looked to William and then to the buildings
-I´ve already checked, clear. We should get moving-said William. Of course Kuno knew he had checked, otherwise he would have never stood up before checking himself for aliens wishing to rip his head off. William stood up too
-So...which way? Up or down?-asked him. Kuno looked down to the smoking streets.
-Its damn dark and noisy down there....
-Lets get down there then-said William. Kuno put the S2 on his back and took the MD6 sidearm. The ODSTs went downstairs through the only door in the roof
The stairs in the interior of the building were completely dark but miraculously in good shape, the ODST went down the 7 floors without a single stop, conscious that their mission couldn´t be delayed
Once in the exterior they saw the street, littered with dead bodies, being washed by the stormy rain. The other side of the street was completely clear, the entire block had been destroyed and reduced to a pile of debris, burned down cars and the molten rear half of a Warthogh were the only remains of human technology in the street. The pair quickly took cover behind one of the cars, several marines lied dead next to it. William looked at them with a grim face, the car hadn´t been enough cover for the poor guys.
Once in the streets they were shielded from the wind howls and, among the hundred raindrops hitting the asphalt, they heard...gunfire.
-Well, hang me if that´s not a Br-55-said William
-Maybe our friends from the Echo Two ain´t all defeated yet-answered Kuno, the ODST reached his helmet with one hand, adopting the usual position he used to broadcast by the com. But just listened
-They...just....keep....coming....sarge!!!-a female voice full of static complained over the com channel, the loud sound of a .50 machinegun accompanied her words
-Gun ´em down GarcÃa! We can´t pull back-another static-filled voice answered. Perhaps the so called sergeant. Kuno and William looked at each other and headed straight to the place were the gunfire came from
A dark street opened into a little plaza to the east, surrounded by low buildings partially destroyed and with remains of a modest garden now completely burned down. A group of humans were sheltered inside from the alien hordes which came from the district center to the northeast. Kuno and William took cover behind a destroyed Covenant ghost in the street which led to the plaza. The vehicle had a 25cm wide clean hole on its front side, which, judging from the blackened mark and all the blood in the driver´s seat, had passed through the whole engine and armor before killing its driver. Probably the work of a Gauss Cannon
Now the ODST could hear the marines without need of the radio, for they were screaming loudly. William saw the Covenant troops, at least 20 grunts led by no less than six brutes. And that not counting the probably already under cover troops he couldn´t see. The marines covered behind a little concrete wall of about 1´5m high. A .50 caliber machinegun operated by a marine fired endlessly over the frightened and disorganized grunts while their brute commanders shouted and took cover. Several other marines provided suppression fire, and William saw that even a few light armed civilians and policemen did their best against the Covenant troops
-Three more, coming left!!-shouted a marine, armed with an SMG
-I´m running alone man!-replied, hysterically, the marine manning the .50
Kuno took his sniper rifle while William looked for a way to pass through the skirmish
-Alright, we can pass trough simply following the street to the east, while the fight lasts and those ali.....hey...what are you doing?-William started to talk but when he saw Kuno aiming his rifle to the incoming aliens punched the sniper in the shoulder
-Stay still!-complained Kuno, now completely drawn in the scope. William firmly took his arm and made Kuno put down the rifle
-Kuno, we´ve got a mission... and if you shoot those aliens are going to know we´re here.
-So what?? Shall we sneak pass the battle and let those men die alone?!-the sniper asked angrily
-This is not our fight...-said William pointing to the group of surrounded marines-that´s our fight....that´s the DECISIVE fight-now the ODST was pointing to the stormy clouds and the alien warships-So yes, we should sneak past the skirmish and head right to the place were that brute commander is, kill the fucker and then you can snipe every single Covie we find, it´ll be fine for me then
The Covenant troops were getting near the marine´s trench, the groups of grunts had quickly stepped over their fallen comrades and rushed directly into the marine´s position. Now they were covered a few steps from the concrete wall. The brutes remained behind, being a largest objective they were nailed down with no mercy by the .50 machinegun
The ODST started to crawl pass the ongoing battle. The marine manning the machinegun was hit in the left arm by a spiker round and screamed in pain without stop firing
-That´s the best you can do....bunch of monkeys???!!-she said, taunting the brutes. One of the marines got hit by a plasma bolt fired by the grunts while another ran crying with a plasma grenade stuck on his chest, exploding and splashing with his guts his frightened and demoralized companions. Three more spikes struck the gunner marine, one in the right shoulder, one in the left leg and another scratched her chest armor, after being barely stopped by the machinegun´s armored body. The marine collapsed, groups of grunts and brutes had rushed towards their cover now that their defense had weakened and the few survivors started to run in panic, shooting madly in a vane attempt to stop their bloodthirsty enemies.
-Somebody take the fifty!!-ordered desperately the sergeant to no avail. One of the brutes stepped over the fallen´s gunner chest and growled, the marine was seemingly alive, her face pale for the pain, and her lips dripping with her own blood. Suddenly the brute growled again and collapsed, lifeless. Its helmet cracked by a fortunate headshot
William pulled Kuno´s arm and made him crawl again. The ODST depolarized his visor so the sniper could see the angry and reproaching look on the spotter´s face
-They even didn´t know what hit him.....-was everything Kuno gave for answer before crawling pass William
Next: Famine
That´s all by now, stay tunned if you liked it, and more will surely follow
Nail ´em down!
We´re commin in hot
Lets start...with the chit-chat. There´s a new interview with ol´Frankie O´Connor about the Halo Legends product, worth to check it out here. Today I´ll try to add a few more Images from The War and with my arrival from the lan party, if I manage to be among the few survivors from the battle, at least two little FanFic and one article will be showing up in the corners of this little blog.
And now for the big news, I won´t say much, just that I´m dreaming, I feel like screaming (yeah). If you thought the Halo Movie was dead, you better click here, a new rumor, a BIG rumor, with a BIG NAME on it
Sergeant Johnson: Usually the good Lord works in mysterious ways. But not today! This here is sixty-six tons of straight up, HE-spewing divine intervention! If God is love, then you can call me Cupid!
Spartan Kilo-042 Out
Overrun Position
The tactic, which could at first look suicide, become more and more prevalent as UNSC Marines numbers decreased...
The Horrors
This image was captured by a UNSC vigilance camera in a marine outpost in Tsavo Region seconds before its destruction. Little is know about the attack, but the image itself its a vivid account of the horror and destruction a Brute Chopper ambush can deal.
Halo 3 Funny Lines
Marine in the final moments of the Battle for Voi: I guess we know who wears the pants on this planet!
Well, for now that´s all. Another Image from The War comming and a little Lan Party being prepared with a few friends. Sorry guys, you´re not invited :P
Sierra Kilo-Zero-Four-Two Out
Halo Legends
Quote of the day
Mayor Domo aboard Shadow Of Intend Bridge: Brute ships! Staggered line. Shipmaster! They outnumber us three-to-one
Rtas ´Vadum (Half-Jaw): Then is an even fight! All cruisers, fire at will. Burn their mongrel hides!
Spartan Kilo-042 out
Heroic and Desperate
We´re not going anywhere
Regarding this little blog, things are starting slowly. I had planned to publish today the first FanFiction. But that was obviously before the little camping trip. But the Fanfic and several articles will come soon. Right now, all I have to offer is the quote of the day and another addition to "Images of The War"
Die? Didn´t you know? Spartans never die-Lieutenant Commander S-051 Kurt
Sierra K-042 out
Images from The War
The section "Images from The War" is an homage to those fallen, an homage to those who survived. Its the horrors, joys and epic struggles of the war told in images
Here´s Spartan Zero-Four-Two
Lets get it started with a little description of our host, and also with what I hope will be a good long-lasting custom: The quote of the day
I´m VerdaderoKhan, but you may call me K042 or simply Khan (or the guy with the funny tag). I´ve been playing around the Halos since the first game came out for the XboX...ahh, good ol´times.
Since the first game I was amazed with the storyline, the universe, the desing. Lets put it simply: With everything. For me, Halo was a coherent, vast and epic universe full of secrets that allowed you to speculate, dream and write tons of stuff. But also it was full of information and data about almost everything. Combined, these facts quickly made it go first in the list of Sci-fi universes I love and want to know everything about, so I read, and read and read.... then wrote and wrote and wrote (and played all that time). And I´m here to keep doing the same stuff
Along with the storytelling part of the saga, I got also involved in the magnificent online play of the last two games. Been around the Live! For quite a while, I love tactical play over brute "pro VS pro" games and think a good and coordinated teamplay can kick the ass of even the greatest player
So, after this little introduction I think its time to end transmission. Covenant patrols are around the area and I´ll need to get my head down for a while
Quote of the day: " Humans, Covenant, whatever. We're all equally edible. The only way to stop the Flood is to starve them to death"-Cortana. Two Betrayals
Spartan K042 Out